Monday, January 09, 2012

First Day of Spring Semester

It's the first day of a new semester. My schedule is very similar to last semester... BUSY. I am taking four courses (a mix of Museum Studies and Instructional Technology) and working two jobs. Basically, I will be on campus from 10-10 on Monday-Thursday, and then Friday will be my study/catch-up/laundry/errand/sleep day. And during the week, I will somehow begin training for a half-marathon which will be fun. On the plus side, this semester I am going to Religion in Life on Fridays for my spiritual well-being. 

I usually get extremely anxious before a new semester starts, but for some reason, I wasn't as anxious as I usually am. I haven't figured out why or if that's a good or bad thing. Perhaps it was because I was only starting new classes and not new classes PLUS two new jobs. I still get  nervous when I go to class for the first time. 

I don't know about you, but every single time we do introductions, my heart starts racing and I try to outline what I am going to say in my head. It shouldn't be scary. I am talking about MYSELF. I've known myself for over 20 years, I shouldn't get nervous about telling people my name, interests, what program I am in, etc. Getting that nervous and anxious is funny because most of the time I feel that way before I talk to anyone (especially guys and people I don't know) but once I get over the initial nervousness, it's hard to keep me quiet. Hence my one of my many nicknames, Little Miss Chatterbox. And this post was only supposed to be a few sentences...

1 comment:

Juicy said...

HOLY SMOKES Al! Busy busy!