Saturday, January 21, 2012

Running in the Rain

Yes, it's another weather related post.

I woke this morning and noticed it was dreary and overcast. Perfect running weather. I have missed running outside and in Logan, I don't usually get to run outside during the winter months. I got dressed in my warm running gear (and a rain jacket that didn't seem to keep me very dry by the end) and headed out. It was only raining slightly when I began my run, but by the time I got to Main Street which is approximately 10 minutes by the route I take, it was raining moderately. I ran up 500 North with the rain splattering my face. I modified my run quite a bit. I shaved at least a mile or two off because of the pouring rain. By the time I got done, I was soaked to the bone and it looked like I had jumped into a pool or something. My hair was sopping wet and my clothes started to make me cold. I am glad I ran and I got to puddle jump during my run. So much fun!

The best part was the nice hot bowl of oatmeal and toasty warm shower I had post run. And no, I did not eat the oatmeal in the shower, I ate it after I changed out of my wet running clothes into some dry sweats but before I got into the shower. Happy exercising everyone!
Yep. That's me post run. The jacket is a light olive green, not a dark one like it is in the photo. And my hair was in a big knot from the wind and rain and running. It was hoot!